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Kik Username for Blinkskala

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My name is Rebecca knows as Becky,32 yrs old, a very simple lady, fun to be with, very focused and above it all am close to nature. I did worked and lived in Syria due to the war which I was a victim, my life mate were killed in war which has made me pass through a lot of pains and sorrows but I have to move on with life because most thing do happen for a reason, either been it good or bad we should accept it in a good faith. I was brought back to motherland, Ghana by the United Nations which I will forever be grateful. Ghana is my mother land because my grandparent came to Ghana to work as missionaries since then Ghana has been their second home, my background is Asia and Australia...and am here to study my profession which is nursing training dear....


Blinkskala is 32 years old.



