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How to Make Friends on Kik

Interacting with users online comes with risks and you can learn some tips on how to stay safe here.

The new generation is fascinated by technology. They are always plugged in. It is quite an addiction for many. It is hard to connect with other people for this reason. Face to face meetings are becoming less and less common as chat,audio, and video messengers become more and more popular. Whether this is a good thing or a bad thing, we are yet to see. It is also quite individual. If you prefer to interact this way, who can tell you that that is wrong.

Using Kik Messenger you can stay in touch with your friends. But another good use of Kik is finding new friends. Adding kik usernames of the people you come across on social media websites and this site, is a great way to connect with others.

There are many ways of meeting new people on Kik. Don't just start randomly searching for usernames. This is not a great strategy, and people will probably be creeped out. If you're part of a Kik group a good way to meet someone is through there. Don't just remove yourself right away. Stay there and see if you can find someone interesting. Group chats are one of the best ways to meet someone. Once you interact with them a bit in the group, you may want to chat with them individualy. Friends of Kik friends, are another way to meet new people.

If these methods did not work for you, then perhaps you can try the world of social media. Users on social media sites - Instagram, for example - put their Kik usernames on their profile so that others can interact with them like that. If you find someone who is interesting or into the same stuff as you, you can try messaging them. Most people who put their Kik username on their profile are very receptive to new people messaging them.